VK3TBR-7 messages

fromtotime message
APRSPH VK3TBR-7 05/17 23:55:16z Reply 0517 net is restarting soon. Checkin again after 0000Z to rejoin.
APRSPH VK3TBR-7 05/17 14:10:20z Reply CQ[spc]msg to group reply.LIST recipients.LAST/LAST10 history 0517
N4WGM-7 VK3TBR-7 05/17 14:10:20z Reply APRSPH:FM18XS Maryland
APRSPH VK3TBR-7 05/17 10:50:17z Reply Stdby 4 msgs til 0517 2359Z.CQ[spc]msg QSP. Info:HELP or aprsph.net
APRSPH VK3TBR-7 05/17 10:50:15z Reply QSL VK3TBR-7 0517. LAST view history. LIST recipients. U to leave
APRSPH VK3TBR-7 05/17 10:50:13z Reply U may also add msg.CQ[spc]msg.LAST for history.LIST for recipients
VK3TBR-7 APRSPH 05/17 10:50:08z Send another net {41