K5MTP-7 messages

fromtotime message
K5MTP-7 K5MTP 06/29 00:32:54z Send another Testing message to Pinpoint{8A9D5
EMAIL K5MTP-7 06/27 19:58:11z Reply Email sent to 2542147360@tmomail.net{544
K5MTP-7 EMAIL 06/27 19:57:10z Send another 2542147360@tmomail.net hey babe{48375
EMAIL K5MTP-7 06/27 19:19:34z Reply Email sent to 2542302766@text.att.net{543
EMAIL K5MTP-7 06/27 19:18:41z Reply Email sent to 2542302766@txt.att.net{542
K5MTP-7 EMAIL 06/27 19:18:06z Send another 2542302766@txt.att.net testing aprs to text{6919F
K5MTP-7 EMAIL 06/27 19:13:50z Send another 2542302766@text.att.net testing aprs to text{C4EAE
EMAIL K5MTP-7 06/27 19:12:44z Reply Email sent to 2542302766@text.att.net{541
K5MTP-7 EMAIL 06/27 19:12:43z Send another 2542302766@text.att.net testing aprs to text{E2AB7
EMAIL K5MTP-7 06/27 19:11:53z Reply Message to 2542302766@att.net failed{540
EMAIL K5MTP-7 06/27 19:11:47z Reply Email sent to 2542302766@att.net{539
K5MTP-7 EMAIL 06/27 19:11:46z Send another 2542302766@att.net testing to text{FBAD8
EMAIL-2 K5MTP-7 06/27 19:05:54z Reply Email sent to Josh_Ward@baylor.edu{937
K5MTP-7 EMAIL-2 06/27 19:05:53z Send another Josh_Ward@baylor.edu testing APRS to email gateway{39712
EMAIL-2 K5MTP-7 06/27 19:00:15z Reply Email sent to k5mtp@outlook.com{936
K5MTP-7 EMAIL-2 06/27 19:00:14z Send another k5mtp@outlook.com testing aprs{F0AE0
EMAIL K5MTP-7 06/27 18:46:34z Reply Email sent to k5mtp@outlook.com{538
K5MTP-7 EMAIL 06/27 18:46:33z Send another k5mtp@outlook.com APRS test email{1CAC6
EMAIL K5MTP-7 06/27 18:45:48z Reply Email sent to Bradley_Linda@baylor.edu{537
K5MTP-7 EMAIL 06/27 18:45:47z Send another Bradley_Linda@baylor.edu testing APRS to email gateway via HT{8D0DB
K5MTP-7 SMSGTE 06/27 18:31:00z Send another @2547150733 testing APRS SMS gateway{7F98F
K5MTP-7 SMSGTE 06/27 18:23:19z Send another @2542302766 test{340F8
K5MTP-7 SMSGTE 06/27 18:23:08z Send another @2542147360 no privacy all messages public btw{EF936
K5MTP-7 SMSGTE 06/27 18:22:22z Send another @2542147360 Hello from the car on my radio{47D3C
K5MTP-7 WA5BU-4 06/27 15:04:30z Send another Test{764F4
K5MTP-7 WA5BU-4 06/27 14:54:01z Send another Test{E0512