EA3FHP messages

fromtotime message
EA3FHP EB3EEU 12/28 09:51:13z Send another Bon dia i bon APRS{02
EB3EEU EA3FHP 12/26 16:54:36z Reply hola estas el r1?{08
EB3EEU EA3FHP 12/26 08:49:07z Reply bon dia ! igualment per tu{07
EA3FHP EB3EEU 12/26 08:48:25z Send another Bona diada de Sant Esteve{01
EA3FHP BLN 12/25 18:10:29z Send another Bon Nadal
EA3FHP ON4CKT 12/25 11:49:41z Send another ea3fhp.cat{00
ON4CKT EA3FHP 12/25 11:49:27z Reply More info about my station see Https://www.qsl.net/on4ckt{32
ON4CKT EA3FHP 12/25 11:49:18z Reply tnx, have also a nice day. 73s{31
EA3FHP ON4CKT 12/25 11:48:35z Send another Bon Nadal, Merry Christmas{99
EA3FHP ON4CKT 12/25 11:47:38z Send another [AA] Ara no hi soc. Deixeu un missatge.{98
ON4CKT EA3FHP 12/25 11:47:36z Reply Merry X-Mass and Happy new year!{30
EA3FHP EB3EWQ-14 12/25 11:47:20z Send another Bon Nadal i bon APRS{97
EA3FHP EB3EEU 12/25 10:55:29z Send another Bon Nadal i bon dinar de Nadal{96
EB3EEU EA3FHP 12/25 10:55:16z Reply fantastic{06
EA3FHP EB3EEU 12/25 10:55:06z Send another fabul¢s{95
EB3EEU EA3FHP 12/25 10:54:56z Reply IGUALMENT POER TU{05
EA3FHP EB3EEU 12/25 10:54:32z Send another Bon Nadal{94
EB3EEU EA3FHP 12/23 19:21:45z Reply Bona nit Josep{02
EA3FHP EA3INX-Y 12/23 18:07:05z Send another Bona tarda Ramon i bon APRS{93
EA3FHP EB3EEU 12/22 19:38:49z Send another Bona nit i bon APRS{92
EB3EEU EA3FHP 12/14 21:50:52z Reply fins dema{98
EA3FHP EB3EEU 12/14 21:49:20z Send another fins dem…{91
EB3EEU EA3FHP 12/14 10:39:35z Reply ok{97
EA3FHP EB3EEU 12/14 10:39:26z Send another fins ara{90
EA3FHP EB3EEU 12/14 10:39:23z Send another vaig un moment a fora{89
EB3EEU EA3FHP 12/14 10:39:07z Reply si escric malament es perque estic escrivin rapit{96
EA3FHP EB3EEU 12/14 10:39:05z Send another d'acord{88
EA3FHP EB3EEU 12/14 10:38:34z Send another [AA] Ara no hi soc. Deixeu un missatge.{87
EB3EEU EA3FHP 12/14 10:38:30z Reply ara aviat surtire que avui aquet mati estan els dos molt pesims{95
EA3FHP EB3EEU 12/14 10:12:27z Send another Al repetidor no hi ha ning£, ‚s un desert total{86
EA3RDG-1 EA3FHP 12/13 21:22:30z Reply [AA] Ara no hi som, deixa missatge, TNX{05
EA3FHP EA3RDG-1 12/13 21:22:28z Send another i no a casa{85
EA3RDG-1 EA3FHP 12/13 21:22:21z Reply [AA] Ara no hi som, deixa missatge, TNX{04
EA3FHP EA3RDG-1 12/13 21:22:19z Send another no veus mai els missatges, suposo que ‚s perquŠ ho tens a Masquefa{84
EA3RDG-1 EA3FHP 12/13 21:21:38z Reply [AA] Ara no hi som, deixa missatge, TNX{03
EA3FHP EA3RDG-1 12/13 21:21:36z Send another Bona nit i bon APRS{83
EB3EEU EA3FHP 12/13 16:41:23z Reply tot concerte{94
EA3FHP EB3EEU 12/13 16:40:52z Send another bona tarda i bon APRS{82
EA3RDG-1 EA3FHP 12/11 18:29:06z Reply [AA] Ara no hi som, deixa missatge, TNX{02
EA3FHP EA3RDG-1 12/11 18:29:04z Send another el reps o no?{81
EA3RDG-1 EA3FHP 12/11 18:21:13z Reply [AA] Ara no hi som, deixa missatge, TNX{01
EA3FHP EA3RDG-1 12/11 18:21:11z Send another El servidor va molt b‚, ja hi estic connectat sempre{80
EA3FHP EB3EUU 12/07 21:50:50z Send another si{79
EA3FHP EB3EUU 12/07 21:31:01z Send another si{78
EB3EEU EA3FHP 12/07 21:30:53z Reply estas el r1?{93
EA3FHP EB3EUU 12/07 21:29:58z Send another bona nit{77
EA3FHP EB3EEU 12/07 21:29:32z Send another [AA] Ara no hi soc. Deixeu un missatge.{76
EB3EEU EA3FHP 12/07 21:29:29z Reply bona nit Josep{92
EA3FHP EA3EXE 12/06 17:22:12z Send another Bona tarda i bon APRS des d'Osona{75
EA3RDG-1 EA3FHP 12/06 12:01:56z Reply [AA] Ara no hi som, deixa missatge, TNX{00
EA3FHP EA3RDG-1 12/06 12:01:53z Send another Bon dia i bon APRS des d'Osona{74
EA3FQO-9 EA3FHP 11/13 21:39:02z Reply Que no acaba de xutar.....{2
EA3FQO-9 EA3FHP 11/13 21:38:41z Reply Bona nit, avui estem mirant que pasa amb el APRS... {1
EA3FHP EA3FQO 11/13 21:36:37z Send another Bona nit des de Vic i bon APRS{72
EA3W-7 EA3FHP 11/12 17:13:47z Reply [AA] Hola ara no hi soc deixa QTC, Gracies.{08
EA3FHP EA3W-7 11/12 17:13:44z Send another Salutacions des d'Osona i bon APRS{71
EB3EEU EA3FHP 11/09 19:13:17z Reply carai amb la callista del carrer de les escales{88
EA3FHP EB3EEU 11/09 19:12:47z Send another surt a El 9 Nou{70
EB3EEU EA3FHP 11/09 19:12:31z Reply si si{87
EA3FHP EB3EEU 11/09 18:11:50z Send another la mare del radioaficionat del carrer de la Gelada ha fet 100 anys{69
EA3FHP EB3EEU 11/09 17:51:48z Send another fins ara{68
EA3FHP EB3EEU 11/09 17:51:45z Send another d'acord{67
EB3EEU EA3FHP 11/09 17:51:38z Reply 10 minuts i surire el r1{86
EA3FHP EB3EEU 11/09 17:51:16z Send another ah si??{66
EA3FHP EB3EEU 11/09 17:51:07z Send another [AA] Ara no hi soc. Deixeu un missatge.{65
EB3EEU EA3FHP 11/09 17:51:04z Reply aqui 13,8{85
EA3FHP EB3EEU 11/09 16:29:40z Send another aqu¡ han caigut 6 litres{64
EA3FHP EA3EXE 11/09 12:29:51z Send another Salutacions des de Vic i bon APRS{63
EA3CUU-10 EA3FHP 11/09 07:10:56z Reply ara me la mirare. Gracies. Salut{4
EA3FHP EA3CUU-10 11/09 07:02:36z Send another http://calldetenesmeteo.servimedia.biz/{62
EA3FHP EA3CUU-10 11/09 07:01:09z Send another jo tamb‚ envio les dades als mateixos llocs{61
EA3FHP EA3CUU-10 11/09 06:58:48z Send another genial,i tamb‚ tots els llocs on envies les dades{60
EA3FHP EA3CUU-10 11/09 06:58:19z Send another Bon dia Pere, he vist l'estaci¢ meteo del R…dio Club Garrotxa, ‚s{59
EA3FHP EB3EEU 11/08 20:49:28z Send another fabul¢s{58
EA3FHP EA3IVC-Y 11/08 17:26:08z Send another Bona tarda i bon APRS{57
EA3FHP EB3CYF-10 11/06 14:56:55z Send another Salutacions des de Vic i bon APRS{56
EA3FHP EA3CU 11/06 14:56:34z Send another Salutacions des de Vic i bon APRS{55
EA3FHP EA3FHP-7 11/05 20:50:30z Send another [AA] Ara no hi soc. Deixeu un missatge.{54
EA3FHP-7 EA3FHP 11/05 20:50:28z Reply Hola{1
EA3FHP EA3FHP-7 11/05 19:35:07z Send another Proves{53
EB3EEU EA3FHP 11/04 18:07:11z Reply Path - EA3FHP>APU25N,TCPIP*
EA3FHP EB3EEU 11/04 18:07:09z Send another ?APRST
EB3EEU EA3FHP 11/04 17:44:07z Reply Salutacions cordials i bon APRS
EA3FHP EB3EEU 11/04 17:43:46z Send another els veus els tres indicatius? EA3FHP, EA3FHP-7 i EA3FHP-9{52
EA3FHP EB3EEU 11/03 20:59:28z Send another bona nit, ad‚u{51
EA3FHP EB3CLX-1 11/02 18:50:58z Send another Salutacions des de Vic i bon APRS{44
EA3FHP EA3W-9 11/02 18:50:41z Send another Salutacions des de Vic i bon APRS{42
EA3FHP EB3CLX-1 11/02 18:50:31z Send another https://app.box.com/s/78dgfi0e3f9m46dgipxulcrhy5d8y0d3{43
EB3EEU EA3FHP 11/02 11:49:29z Reply ok{76
EA3FHP EB3EEU 11/02 11:10:09z Send another all• ja est… fet{41
EA3FHP EB3EEU 11/02 10:04:40z Send another ja pots sortir{40
EA3FHP EB3EEU 11/02 10:04:30z Send another [AA] Ara no hi soc. Deixeu un missatge.{39
EB3EEU EA3FHP 11/02 10:04:28z Reply que estas liat amb el albert{75
EA3FHP EB3EEU 11/02 10:04:17z Send another [AA] Ara no hi soc. Deixeu un missatge.{38
EB3EEU EA3FHP 11/02 10:04:15z Reply ara surtire 10 minuts{74
EA3FHP EB3EEU 11/02 08:49:59z Send another sobre el comentari des SESSION cap problema, fabul¢s!!!{37
EA3FHP EA3EXE 11/02 08:48:14z Send another Bon dia i bon APRS. Salutacions des de Vic.{36
EA3FHP EB3CLX-1 11/02 08:44:52z Send another Bon dia i bon APRS. Salutacions des de Vic.{35
EA3FHP EA3CO-7 11/02 08:44:48z Send another Bon dia i bon APRS. Salutacions des de Vic.{34
EA3FHP EA3RCF-10 11/02 08:43:27z Send another Bon dia i bon APRS. Salutacions des de Vic.{33