DD8UST messages

fromtotime message
EMAIL DD8UST 09/24 11:59:41z Reply Email sent to dd8ust@darc.de{280
DD8UST EMAIL 09/24 11:58:41z Send another dd8ust@darc.de test gumiantene{13
DD8UST EMAIL 09/24 11:32:37z Send another dd8ust@darc.de neuer test 1316 2409 neu 13282409 {12
EMAIL DD8UST 09/24 11:32:37z Reply Email sent to dd8ust@darc.de{279
EMAIL DD8UST 09/23 13:25:48z Reply Message to dd8ust@darc.de failed{278
EMAIL DD8UST 09/23 13:25:40z Reply Email sent to dd8ust@darc.de{277
DD8UST EMAIL 09/23 13:25:39z Send another dd8ust@darc.de c3in{6